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    Not according to Jonathan Kozol who I've been reading since the early 1990s when he published Savage Inequalities. Do you…
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  • Both halves believe that tax cuts are a universal panacea.
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  • BvBoE was an important contribution for all of America, not some factional victory between rival parties. Agree with the first…
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  • The "crackers" seem not yet to have weighed in.  With luck the students will quickly adjust to the change and…
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  • Let's hope it all goes well.  That graduating seniors accommodate themselves to the change in venue for their graduation ceremonies…
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  • Why pick a battle with no inherent gain to be had and risks losing more of what you consider "achievements…
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  • Why?  Isn't it more common to celebrate decisive war battles on major anniversaries than to celebrate the anniversary of SCOTUS…
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  • IMHO "Brown vs. the Board of Ed" is one of the most brilliant and important SCOTUS decision.  It laid down…
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  • Had Pat Nixon (remember this diary/thread is about a First Lady and not a POTUS or VP) been the speaker…
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  • AZ has joined the Union on this one.
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  • Is it mandatory that states recognize federal holidays?  And hold appropriate commemorations on those days?  Ya might want to check…
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  • You mean it wasn't when he chastised his disciples for disrespecting Jesus' wealthy patrons and the Magi?
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  • Do we ask or expect the former Confederate States to commemorate the major anniversaries of Ulysses S Grant's victory at…
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  • Prior Super El Ninos 1983 and 1998.  Don't recall the use of the term El Nino in 1983 - but…
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  • Some gems at billmon's twitter feed.   Gestapo guy: "In our day, we didn't do press interviews. (sniffs) Bloody Americans.…
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  • But I even under conservative rule, we still see incremental progress from time to time. Even when that occurs, it…
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  • Nah.  Too busy watching Putin from their front porch.
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  • Don't think Bristol's baby papa is in any position to throw stones -- some drug busts in his family.
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  • Obvious pandering to a certain demographic in a Presidential race is very ill advised.  Dukakis in a tank and Kerry…
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  • She was an educated woman, it was her money, and she managed it.  Not discounting nor disputing that her ownership…
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