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    Same crowd also jumped on Snowden for asking Putin the Russian government spied on citizens.  They rallied around their hate…
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  • After being upset and deeply concerned over this report, also had to recognize that it conforms to my bias that…
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  • This country was founded (with a major assist by George Washington which is one reason he was a great President)…
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  • Surely one of HRC's major selling points will be her toughness, competence and experience ... Like this: Hillary Rodham Clinton…
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  • She had too much class and too much other work to do.  Also, she fully recognized that Franklin had the…
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  • ...Clintons are what passes for royalty in the US. Why?  And for whom?  When did this royal anointing take place?…
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  • FDR had many progressives, including Eleanor, in his administration pushing him.  At the social safety net level, the visionary was…
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  • ... But it's not like it can't be discussed intelligently. Is there any reason it should be discussed at all?…
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  • As horrible as GWB was as POTUS and Governor of TX, his daughter Jenna got married (while GWB was in…
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  • Carter got the deregulation thing going.  (Worse was interjecting religion directly into politics.) Clinton -- oh, my -- such a…
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  • Was reported in several places yesterday.  It's origin is unknown -- and suspect organizations are denying any involvement. Kerry is…
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  • Nothing "paranoiac" about pointing out that a Cheney appointee aide was hired by Clinton at State and she has with…
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  • GMAFB.  All I've done is tackle one aspect of Cliven Bundy's story that the media has accepted as fact without…
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  • ...democrats, by contrast, believe that they are of equal social worth. A belief of small "d" democrats; Democrats not so…
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  • Dukakis (what we're Democrats thinking?) was definitely the worst.  Kerry and Mondale were only slightly better.  Carter and Gore were…
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  • Agree on Romney -- he likes his chances against Hillary in an all senior citizen contest.
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  • At least they're made to order and look like real sandwiches.  (Not that I can recall ever having ordered one.)…
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  • Ryan has poor campaign skills.  Not even as good as Gore and Kerry who for all their years of experience…
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  • Kasich is the stealth GOP guy that nobody seems to be watching. Scottie won't be able to overcome his appearance…
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  • The GOP tends to nominate old VP's and VP candidates (Nixon, Dole, Poppy) or former runner-ups (Poppy, Dole, McCain, Romney).…
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