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    One of my arguments against rushing in with bombs and troops against the Taliban was that they had reduced poppy…
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  • Dr. Gabor Mate, who has actually worked with addicts for a very long time points out that all of them…
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  • Guess those that pushed back on Cheney's non-existent plans to attack Iran had "gone funny in the head" as well:…
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  • This looks to me as if it's more of a one-off than a slippery slope situation.  Although that's not easy…
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  • Why do you think war criminals expend so much effort denigrating and dismissing those they defined as idealists, aka bleeding…
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  • Other sorry excuses for humans: According to Gen. (Retired) Michael Hayden, "Jose [Rodriguez] built a reputation for leadership in the…
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  • Considerations for elites that have engaged in wrongdoing do not apply to "other people."  Hence, Chelsea Manning is locked up…
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  • Cheney would "not fare well" in a waterboarding situation.  That's the test for the application of punishment to the elites…
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  • Like Christie's numero uno defender Randy Mastro who went all sexist bully against Bridget Kelly to point the finger of…
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  • This is a terrible formulation: A man may have the faculty of concealing his resentment, or suppressing it, but he…
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  • Disagree.  People with significant "thinker clinkers" aren't exceptionally intelligent.  They're people that are allowed to punch above their weight class…
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  • This is irrelevant: Nowhere in his piece does he give us one shred of evidence that his torture ever helped…
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  • Yeah, but if HRC runs against ol' Jebikins, I'm pretty sure HRC annihilates Jebikins. Democrats in 2000 could be accused…
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  • I'd say the odds that Wildstein goes down without spilling what he knows are close to zero.  Expect it to…
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  • In the private, non-union sector, an employer can fire an employee for no reason. Ethically, Prop 8 was indefensible, but…
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  • Thought he was merely repeating CW, but I could be wrong.
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  • Drewniak as the first witness may not mean that they're looking at Christie.  Recall, Wildstein reached out to and met…
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  • Eich demonstrates that one can be "exceptionally intelligent" in a given discipline and also have the social and philosophical intelligence…
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  • In reichwinglandia, Bill Kristol is intelligent, and therefore, Andrew Sullivan can only be "exceptionally intelligent."  Those on the left that…
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  • Before my time -- Dick Cavett was the only show that I ever made any effort to stay up for.
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