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    Those reduced DSH funds with no reduction in the number uninsured people showing up at hospital emergency rooms will lead…
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  • More complicated than that.  Neil Abercrombie, who appointed Schatz, was college friends with Obama's parents.  He's been supportive of Barack…
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  • ...The population that no one really counts in red states are the gay Republicans and independents who are Republican because…
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  • These are the "keep the government out of my Medicare" folks.  And they're signing up for that free or really…
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  • How would you respond if you were Putin?  Hell, how would any sane leader respond to this crap the USA…
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  • Ten years?  More like twenty when we jumped onto the drunk, kleptocrat Yeltsin bandwagon to introduce "The Shock Doctrine" to…
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  • It will be a miracle if this doesn't end the Democratic control of the Senate. Lots and lots of money…
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  • Amazingly stupid people.  However, Democratic pundits that fail to acknowledge the existence of substantial numbers of amazingly stupid Republican voters…
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  • For almost forty years, the Democratic Party has been running on "think of the Supreme Court" to get people to…
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  • I may be in the minority, but I'm relatively happy that we won the Civil War ... I'm surely in…
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  • If you heard Roberts make any promises during his confirmation hearings, you weren't listening carefully enough.  He fibbed some, but…
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  • Called it a while ago: Roberts at the Bat ... What I've taken away from the hearings so far is…
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  • On the plus side, members of Congress won't need to spend as much time "dialing for dollars."  5,000 individuals (1,000…
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  • Sure would like to see an accounting of the $5 billion we spent to overthrow the various governments in Ukraine.…
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  • Not saying that a few million people won't be better off with the PPACA.  But there will be losers --…
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  • Roughly, it converts insurance to a regulated monopoly, ... --sigh -- No it doesn't.  Insurance companies are licensed and regulated…
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  • If there's surplus health care assets in the US health care system, adding a couple hundred billion dollars from the…
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  • Yep, moving to the left - who's the Democrat pushing for a full-throated defense of Obamacare? Her hubby, Billy-boy. Makes…
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  • Said better: Not this sh*t again.  US offers to release convicted spy Pollard... ... To add insult to injury, this…
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  • As a Christie fanboy and sexist prig, it's odd that he'd side with Kelly.  Could mean that he was reading…
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