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    Right along with Clinton: 'Let's Be Clear,' Military Option for Iran 'on the Table' Likely presidential candidate calls Israeli government…
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  • Yeah, the old whiny "if you can't see any difference between neo-lib/neo-con Democratic X and neo-lib/neo-con Republican Y" there is…
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  • How fortunate for the RonRandPaulInc family cottage business that the evidence of NSA dirty tricks arrived just as their old…
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  • Greed, religion, and racism/fear are much easier to sell than more complex notions such greater equality leads to more individual…
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  • Actually, I don't see "our political system as fundamentally broken."  It's working extremely well for that segment of the population…
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  • Then support Scott Brown. Should have said "21st century moderate Republican."  Not to be confused with 20th century liberal and…
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  • RNC anagram discovers a new boogieman - actuaries -- because the old ones have lost their zing, and the GOP…
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  • Information on insurance carriers for MAS and passengers MH370: Insurers of flight MH370 brace for payout.  Nothing unusual in this…
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  • Booker is ambitious and he knows exactly who facilitated his rise to Senator.  Wouldn't be surprised to see him switch…
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  • Good reads.  Thanks. Appears that Nate Silver only got the mechanics of a narrow range of statistics down.  Works well…
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  • A suggestion for consideration by the US public at large and not the US MIC that prefers expensive and inefficient.
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  • Mo airline or aircraft manufacturer wants to accept responsibility for the loss of a commercial airliner.  However, they do have…
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  • Also, citing that quote about him doesn't make him look better, dude. It makes him look worse. Absolutely!  Bizarre that…
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  • If true, would be cheaper and more effective to keep paying off those in Pakistan that control that nuclear arsenal.
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  • So, only a press that publishes what is approved government is smart and responsible?  But that wouldn't be a free…
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  • Some place small to demonstrate proof of concept.  Preferably English speaker because automated translators aren't very good.  A place that…
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  • The excuse is that they need more money for bigger and better computers and more and better data management programs.…
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  • A free press would never seek government pre-clearance to print information/stories in its possession.  A free press can decide on…
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  • You say "they're fascists." OK Prove it. You cannot, because they have done or said nothing fascististic... Patriarchy is fascistic.…
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  • ... At the request of U.S. officials, The Washington Post is withholding details that could be used to identify the…
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