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    USians, including a surprisingly large segment of Democrats, may be the only participants in WWII just itching for WWIII.  
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  • Do you actually believe that no one knew about the path of this airplane once it didn't appear at its…
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  • So sayeth a citizen of the country that went halfway around the world to destroy a large country with significant…
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  • A Wrap? U.S. intelligence officials are leaning toward the theory that "those in the cockpit" -- the pilots of Malaysia…
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  • Mysteries are mesmerizing.  
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  • WAPO 3/15/14 ... Najib said Saturday that the Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System, or ACARS, was disabled just as…
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  • From Chomsky: At one time in the U.S., in the mid-19th century, working for wage labor was considered not very…
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  • A "hook" because you can't say what you really mean or because you can't define what a 1900 progressive "wheat…
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  • I can't help but draw the conclusion that a second Progressive Era cannot emerge until progressivism breaks out of its…
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  • Seems like a high price to pay for essentially a low level management position and the privilege of calling oneself…
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  • Still not sure how the short-lived (less than two years), National Recovery Administration component of the National Industrial Recovery Act…
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  • What was this FDR legislation that banned retail price cuts?  There were wage and price freezes during WWII, but that…
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  • Are the experts stumped because the MAS 370 flight situation is unique, too few facts are publicly available, or the…
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  • Oops -- neglected to include that it's those proprietary vocational schools that filled in the gaps left by underfunding high…
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  • ...Isn't providing better public education primarily the responsibility of the states? K-12 or post-secondary?  Pre- or post- Brown v. the…
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  • Marcy's first Intercept piece is now up: The White House Has Been Covering Up the Presidency's Role in Torture for…
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  • That denial of the WSJ report was before the WH sort of confirmed that the WSJ got it right on…
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  • DC (not KL) press briefing: WAPO ...As a result of unspecified "new information," White House spokesman Jay Carney said authorities…
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  • Malaysia today stood by its decision to extend the search area for the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 to the…
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  • These are "faith based" folks.  They'll forever wave any imaginary wand or cudgel that their puppet-masters tell them will vanquish…
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