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    Called one: Overlooking Daniel Brühl in "Rush" in favor of Jonah Hill in "Wolf" in the supporting actor category was…
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  • Mostly agree -- but the humanely sounding R2P has been demonstrated to be just another cynical ploy to impose more…
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  • They can whine when the 99% gets serious and imposes a 99% income and wealth tax on the 1%.  But…
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  • ...but in benign contexts like the Olympics, Did you miss the weeks of US domestic coverage of the Olympics and…
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  • While a more able administrator than his gubernatorial successors (and that's a very low bar), Jerry Brown has always substituted…
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  • And right now, Putin is looking about as scary and aggressive as Nikita did in the early stages of the…
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  • We're still in the Great Recession -- but with all shiny toys and excess calories we get, will take a…
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  • The Cuban Missile Crisis was scary.  Everything since then has been either theater or preludes to a war the US…
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  • Ray McGovern: Ukraine: One `Regime Change' Too Many? Is "regime change" in Ukraine the bridge too far for the neoconservative…
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  • For an explanation of your inexplicable preoccupation with Ukraine, suggest reading The Long, Slow Surrender of American Liberals.  Liberals and…
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  • Behind the curtain: PA official: Battle over toll hikes was all for show. Aug 2011 - PA announced fare hikes…
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  • "Omidyar's NGO?"  That's an irresponsible exaggeration.  As is concluding that the funding from Omidyar in 2011 was intended for regime…
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  • Who said anything about being isolationist?   Isolationism, even if it existed which it didn't, wasn't what got the US…
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  • Hmmm So we don't get caught flatfooted about events like the Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, et cetera. You're assuming that there…
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  • Ah, the woman that wouldn't put up or shut up. I tend to cut those that claim to be in…
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  • He's probably pissed that Omidyar snagged Greenwald, Wheeler, Scahill and Taibbi and he only got Ames.
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  • Regarding NSA, unfortunately we need spies. For what?  Over the past sixty years or so, they missed all the major…
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  • Who do Thiel and Andressen support? Don't know about Andressen, but Peter Thiel is one of those faux libertarian bully…
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  • For a long time there's been such a leadership vacuum in the democratic wing of the Democratic Party that there…
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  • Is this an image we have embraced or one that is totally and completely thrown on us? As if lefties…
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