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    Always thought Coburn wasn't nearly stupid and crazy enough for OK.  (Technically Coburn isn't stupid, but willfully blinded by his…
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  • Poitras is a documentary filmmaker -- not a journalist nor an attorney.  The WAPO's Gellman wasn't a Bernstein was he?…
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  • Would say that's a bad analogy except it's not even an analogy. Greenwald has no monopoly on anything.  Why do…
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  • Depressing enough that it left a huge opening for Obama to fill.
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  • In the past sixty plus years, there have been but three exceptions to the GOP nominating from the seemingly bland,…
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  • Excuse me, but as a life-long Californian (with the exception of four miserable years in PA), Sherrod Brown's appeal isn't…
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  • You need to understand something.  If not for the Constitutional civil liberties guys, there would have been no voices above…
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  • A question that Christie's defenders would claim shouldn't be asked much less answered. Last week Christie began flailing just like…
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  • At Digby's place: Here's a letter from a young scientist who's projects have been shelved so that we can chase…
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  • Port Authority Shouldn't Be A Patronage Pit. ... I was executive director of the Port Authority from 1977 to 1985,…
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  • New Jersey's Christie hires law firm to fight bridge scandal The governor's office said it retained the law firm of…
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  • Clarence Thomas used it in exactly the same way before the Senate Judiciary committee.  Questions about allegations that he sexually…
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  • Charlie weighs in Nominations Snubbing Oprah.  Who was undeservedly snubbed was Forest Whitaker in "The Butler," a total mess of…
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  • LA Times here's the Play at home ballot. Haven't seen all the nominated contenders.  But IMHO "Rush" (completely shut out)…
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  • A confirmation of what should have seemed obvious to anyone but deaf/dumb/blind Christie-bots - Rockefeller: Port Authority Gave 'Zero Evidence'…
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  • Duly Noted: Port Authority chairman floats stepping down after Bridgegate, while Bruce floats Bridgegate tune ...David Samson chairman of the…
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  • An odd shift for her.  There's a back story to this that we may never learn about.
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  • Thank Local News For The Bridgegate Story My first reaction when I saw that the Bridge story was first covered…
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  • Wasn't thinking food store.  Stuff and entertainment. As for Mitsuwa -- is there any Korean or Asian competition in the…
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  • In the court of public opinion, Christie got a giant f**k-you last night. And gave me something really good to…
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