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    Too soon to know where to file this. A week ago 1/31/14 (Friday), Renna resigned from her position as Christie's…
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  • From dKos The Other Side of the Story - Patrick Foye's Side.  Excerpts from Foye's 12/9/13 testimony before the Assembly…
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  • Nobody that was an honest opponent of the Vietnam War when they were young would have voted for the IWR.…
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  • Because many of us, even Dems, believe that anyone who received their political education during the sixties--fifty bloody years ago--should…
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  • That would apply even more so to the "church" of Scientology.  Less so to the other "millenial" Christian sects as…
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  • NSA Spied on German Ex-Chancellor Over Iraq War Opposition The National Security Agency tapped the mobile phone of Germany's ex-Chancellor…
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  • Hackett isn't/wasn't "anti-war."  OTOH, Sherrod Brown did at least vote against the IWR. There are plenty of examples of the…
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  • Would love to see all these government snoops put through the same wringer as Rebekah Brooks for their   ...phone…
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  • Smoke - Wikipedia - Rob Andrews Andrews is the subject of a House Ethics Committee investigation regarding the use of…
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  • Using Hackett as evidence for your "permagov" riff is really stupid.   Hackett had no chance against DeWine.  Zero, none,…
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  • ...Mia Farrow's son Ronan Seamus is likely fathered by first husband Frank Sinatra. So, twenty odd years after the birth…
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  • Added Scott Raab's take on this to my BridgeTroll diary.  It's more complete but similar to what I said.  Key…
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  • As I read that article, that new light rail station was in anticipation of approval of the Rockefeller Group project.…
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  • A NJT approval for a new train station that would benefit the proposed Rockefeller Group development in Hoboken is interesting.…
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  • The list of people that Reagan, the Bushes, Clinton, and Obama threw under the bus is very long.  Unfortunately they…
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  • Wildstein (and his attorney) would have to be dumb and/or naive to write a letter to the Port Authority requesting…
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  • Never had a shred of empathy for Haldeman, etc.  A component of being a courtier is that you take a…
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  • Two problems for Walker moving to the national stage: 1) He looks dumb 2) He didn't graduate from college.  (Even…
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  • If Watergate is the template - he resigns on the eve of being impeached had gets a pardon from his…
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  • McKibben's response at 350.org "The intrusion of reality into this process is really important. The report concluded that in a…
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