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    Not cheap either: Regime Change in Kiev Victoria Nuland Admits: US Has Invested $5 Billion In The Development of Ukrainian,…
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  • For being a sleazy and crooked pol or for selling favors so cheaply?  
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  • ...In the first case, it's an excuse to disenfranchise black and brown people. In the latter, it's an excuse for…
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  • Or the majority of TN voters.
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  • Zimmer's lawyers could have asked Christie's lawyers if they planned to leave their baseball bats, brass knuckles, and poison pens…
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  • Aren't those my points that false accusations aren't as uncommon as we'd like to think and are easier to make…
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  • It was 2006 for criminal charges Under the law in 1993, Farrow had until age 20 to file criminal charges…
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  • No court should accept a relative of either party in a legal dispute as an "expert witness."   Men in…
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  • More from Christie's lawyers (who appear to being working as contractors for the State of NJ ) - Christie attorney…
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  • Christie's Lawyers Want To Have A Word With The Mayor Of Hoboken Mayor Zimmer appears to have said, "No."  And…
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  • Or those big name Democratic pols really liked Hillary's chances against Christie in 2016.  Trying to influence and pick the…
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  • The National Prayer Breakfast is the annual public event of the secretive group referred to as The Fellowship or The…
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  • Do you read any fiction -- not the fantasy/sci-fi sort -- the kind that reads as real and true? Dylan's…
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  • More like a neo-lib, neo-con, switch hitter.  With Nuland and Kaplan sort of in the Obama-Clinton tent, there really isn't…
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  • Included that Sokolich interview in the Update. Not going to make too big a deal out of that statement by…
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  • If Americans weren's so provincial and "exceptional" they would wake up to the heroin epidemic that has been unleashed in…
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  • There's a fine line between career State Department employees and political foreign policy appointees.  However, why either Obama or Clinton…
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  • Thanks -- good diary up to a point. The original news report, NJ Transit Didn't Follow Its Own Storm Plan…
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  • --shudder-- Had no problems with PECO but the streets that went unplowed and the intersections that took too long to…
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  • Another thing Christie allegedly didn't see: The memo from Gov. Chris Christie's office attacking former appointee David Wildstein's credibility landed…
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