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    btw - Jeremy Scahill is no "merry prankster" for Glenn or anybody else.  Nor would I call any of the…
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  • James Risen is now one of Glenn's "Merry Pranksters?"  How incredibly dishonest of you to link to an article criticizing…
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  • Or they read Arthur's diaries and comments here and conclude that the Pauls are very popular with a certain population…
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  • You seriously think that Gellman isn't out to make a name for himself with this scoop?  However, as a WAPO…
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  • "He's doing it in a way that is self-aggrandizing, ..." A charge that always gets leveled at messengers that get…
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  • So tiresome that so many people fall so easily for the shoot the messenger smears.  Apparently with no recognition that…
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  • This is asinine: ...You don't withhold them, threaten to embarrass governments with them, and then reveal them in stages, while…
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  • ...But the culture had been reestablished. It never went away.  For the simple reason that secret NatSec operations have been…
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  • The answer is no sit down tete-a-tete. Bridge scandal: Fort Lee mayor won't cooperate with Chris Christie lawyers "While the…
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  • From Thomas Frank: The matter with Kansas now: The Tea Party, the 1 percent and delusional Democrats. published yesterday at…
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  • Clinton put the destruction of New Deal regulations on steroids, further amped up the drug wars, and give the religious…
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  • I'm surprised that Texans abide non-Biblical numerals in their arithmetic classes.  Allowing Hindu-Arabic numerals to infect the minds of their…
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  • Education in science will be opt-out in Missouri,... When did US parents stop wanting their kids to learn more than…
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  • Overcharged in response to public pressure, incompetent prosecutors, or the state looking to lose?  The latter seems at odds given…
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  • Kansas -- home of Koch Industries.  Wouldn't daddy and his boys have worked on their political game plan at home…
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  • New Jersey lawmakers cause international stir with bill to rename 'Sea of Japan'. What does a sea on the other…
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  • Tiny flaw in his proposal - voting power based on tax payments would give the top 10% a majority.  And…
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  • Except there were no characters like Coulter in Rockwell's world.  For good reason.
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  • ...in the political mission only Republicans can perform -- restoring U.S. economic vigor. George Will never lets facts get in…
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  • New Republic: Chris Christie's Rise and Fall.  More about the rise and it has a lot to do with the…
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