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    billmon. Next question?
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  • Best DD response from Ta-Nihisi Coates.
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  • US Imperialism is the biggest problem in Central and South America. Significantly reduced by the people in S. American countries…
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  • Question: what percentage of the electorate supports the revolving door between the Hill and the lobbyists?  Hell, let's also include…
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  • As these "retirees" choose not to face the electorate in another election, why should they be allowed to push their…
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  • Bright and healthy stockboys and stockgirls.  Congressional retirees would fail one or both of the tests to measure those qualities.
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  • The annual cost of CA State Universities for fees, books, and room and board now ranges from $20,00 to $25,000.…
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  • Klutz' like me envied those that could waitress.  Rent in CA everywhere I've live has always been high.  A part-time…
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  • About one of those "white male head of household" Republicans (and newly retired).  One of his former co-workers (and considered…
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  • A huge difference between the late sixties and today is that there were blue collar jobs available for those that…
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  • Only in that alternative universe that wingers inhabit.
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  • Apparently being a party to trashing the US House isn't enough for Dana Rohrabacher(R), he trashed his rental house as…
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  • bmaz at Empty Wheel has has the best first take on this: Conning the Record, Conning the Courts, Defrauding the…
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  • wrt to the PR twit -- a very fine rant at dKos by LeftHandedMan: Slogging Waist Deep in the Big…
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  • Obama is selling lots of military junk to KSA.  So, hardly taking a hard line.  That seems to be Putin's…
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  • Excellent development.   Inquiring minds would like to know why the US government opposes this action and isn't a participant…
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  • At least Chait wrote a readable piece.  Had to give in to my eyes glazing over halfway through Youngman's piece.…
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  • Semi-related: Linda Taylor "Welfare Queen."  Still seems to be much not uncovered in that woman's story. But she played an…
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  • He'd run well and govern well.  But he lacks the sort of ego that propels others to self-promote themselves for…
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  • A loose wheel or two in the Senate Senate Dem Defy Obama on Iran.  This could morph into a pile-up…
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