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    Not one of those sites was secured any time close to when the alleged poisoning took place.  Also inclined not…
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  • It was both money and resources that were denied Buono.  An experienced, skilled, and attractive Democratic politician that should have…
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  • After the tea, he had sushi in another restaurant with non-Russian acquaintances. The rub from Wikipedia (highlight added) On 1…
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  • Don't think we can understand the difficulties and challenges young adults in the US face with an ahistorical analysis.  Your…
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  • Barbara Buono is not only not another Martha Coakley, in the second 2013 debate she demonstrated skills better than most…
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  • Since we know that the Russians killed Alexander Litvinenko with polonium-210 in London just two years after Arafat died, ...…
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  • Sad and scary NJ - Governor total votes 1,924,000 Barbara Buono (D) 785,000 VA - Lt. Governor 2,189,000 e w…
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  • Now up to 1,000,000 de Blasio at 752,000 de Blasio should finish with more votes than Bloomberg ever received and…
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  • In the long run, those mayoral wins may be more valuable than winning the governorship in VA.  The GOP and…
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  • Still a few votes left to count in the NYC mayoral race, but so far this is the lowest turnout…
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  • Thanks. Cooch won among those w/o college degrees and mid-level income (above the median +50M & <100M).  But lost big…
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  • Guess that explains why NJ more often has a GOP governor.  Or a despicable one-term Democratic wonder like Corzine.  They…
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  • The reality is that Christie won big because he wrapped his arms around the president and the Democrats rewarded him…
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  • Only those that don't know who McAuliffe is would be fooled by a last minute campaign gimmick. Unlike most here,…
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  • All the money and attention given to McAwful who is likely to barely beat Cooch and little money to Buono…
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  • Don't miss the governing by Republicans when they had power either.  Republicans since perhaps Teddy Roosevelt have had only bad…
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  • Nullification. From Pierce's lasted entry onThe Five Minute Rule Crazy Uncle Liberty (!) was out spoutin' liberty on behalf of...holy…
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  • All of which,they'll tell David Gregory, makes the current crypto-Communist donkey all the more ludicrous when she tries to instigate…
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  • Not different from what has been seen in the past few election cycles at the state level.   In "purple"…
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  • That was way too cutting edge in his time.  Claims of "reverse discrimination" were easier because racism beats on in…
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