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    Same demographic that in 1980 voted for Reagan and cheered for him when he busted PATCO.  Unlike the older and…
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  • This alone should make you hyperventilate: The President is open to switching to the chained CPI only if: The change…
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  • The quality of the news and front page reports declined over the two decades before Murdoch as well.  But the…
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  • Bloomberg?  David Koch?  Is Rick Perry holding get togethers with NYC billionaires and repeating "come on down here y'all; Texas…
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  • The WSJ editorial page has always been "unmoored from reality."  The office WSJ copy was always circulated for all of…
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  • If the project is in teabagger territory, can't see how a bagger opponent gains anything from making it an issue…
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  • Remote?  I'm sure that tax break has nothing to do with GS decision to purchase that health insurance policy for…
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  • On the surface libertarian ideology is extremely appealing.  Only loses its shine if one thinks a single public policy issue…
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  • I avoid libertarian claptrap as much as possible; so prefer not to subject myself to anything at Reason.  Their version…
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  • Meant to add that for all the hype about Americans being given choices, most of that choice is at best…
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  • Much of Europe did very well implementing broader and more effective economic social programs than the US did in the…
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  • You're missing the point that paying that $20,000 as a health insurance benefit instead of salary avoids the employer's payroll…
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  • The average person cannot ever be expected to be investor savvy enough to risk their money in the market.  Plus…
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  • Still the best organized and classiest university student protest -- Andy Card at UMass-Amherst video link
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  • IOW bloggers made the world a little bit better than it would have been without them?  Sort of like the…
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  • Wouldn't know -- above my pay grade.
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  • The Medicare tax is 1.45% for both the employee and employer - total 2.9% (SSDI rate is 6.2%).  $20,000 x…
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  • BTW, why are there five "Gold" plans from the same provider? The same reason why large corporations offer different brands…
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  • What I don't understand is: where did everybody go? Don't people still want to read and write informed discussions of…
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  • I prefer to read/listen to people that are smarter and/or more astute than I am.  Jerome demonstrated neither with his…
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