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    An addendum to my comment on what Rummy said in his "Market Place" interview - Ryssdal didn't let him expound…
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  • Oh, and Obama made the situation in Iraq and Afghanistan worse.
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  • Must be heard to believe it. Kai Ryssdal was polite but didn't let Rumsfeld merely pimp his latest book of…
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  • ...misimpression that the Benghazi attacks had begun as spontaneous demonstrations that had been inspired by the protests at our embassy…
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  • They were in at that point but it took the success of that war along with the popularity of it…
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  • Who elected the emir?  Oh, that's right Qatar is a monarchy that seized control in a war and established its…
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  • Display a stack of the papers submitted to the IRA by a teabag scammer and the stack submitted by an…
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  • Except for Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul, they're all long dead right along with the political party that dumped the…
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  • Republicans would be much wiser to pursue a third option: Dig up as much damaging information as they can about…
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  • The situation in Syria is tragic. But it is not America's fault. Except its been on "America's "to-do list" since…
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  • While everyone is focused on the "tax exempt" status of these 501(c)(3) organizations, none of them would have had taxable…
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  • Bingo: IMO, it was about the Islamophobic video that triggered demonstrations across the Arab World. Except, they are normally quite…
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  • "Evil doer" makes up outrageous crap. Passes crap to media hack. Hack flacks crap. Rubes go wild. Heads get cracked.…
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  • And they didn't have the same visceral hatred for Bill Clinton who is pasty white? But that wasn't my question.…
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  • Only a total rube could find anything amiss in the e-mail exchange to agree on the wording of the Benghazi…
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  • SOP for this administration -- fire now; let others ask questions and sort it out later.
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  • Wonder how many of them know what Watergate and Iran-Contra were?  Like the 39% that believe that Benghazi is worse…
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  • And such a pleasure for me to bounce this back and forth with you. Not optimistic that we'll see more…
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  • Boobs sell in this country; that's why the lamestream press couldn't report the story without those particular photos of Jolie.…
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  • Several Yemeni men belonging to al Qaeda took part in the terrorist attack on the U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi…
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