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    ...but I did see Angelina Jolie's breasts reported on three times in one hour alone). ... More relevant (to women…
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  • With GWB out there campaigning to "restore honor and dignity to the WH," Gore would have been a fool not…
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  • Gee, my old Datsun ran great... Replaced it with a FIAT -- no less time in the shop but more…
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  • For a smack-down on the inane mutterings of the so-called press, there's nobody better than Pierce.  Things in Politico That…
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  • Are you pining for the days when the NYT would sit on a story for a year at the request…
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  • Shouldn't we wait until these individuals are identified before ascribing a nationality to them?  (What did the Tsarnaev brothers look…
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  • As would a different group that was tipped off by the airport and tracked the convoy to the Annex.  …
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  • No -- was trying to be cut and obviously failed. OTOH, the department would continuing operating as it has for…
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  • Are we to assume that ASD hasn't been shut down?  Or the BBC neglected to mention that group?
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  • Dedicated "ringleaders" from SMC to the Annex is speculation.
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  • Holds together logically if unconfirmed allegations and speculations are included.  So too do the ARB and CIA narratives. Wonder why…
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  • Obama may feel he's better off with a flawed and wounded AG than the AG the Senate would approve which…
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  • Is it confirmed that there were drone missile attacks in Derna?  
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  • Not disagreeing that the attack on the Annex was opportunistic because I think it was.  But was the opportunity created…
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  • According to this BBC report, Ansar al-Sharia was headquartered in Benghazi and the Abu Slim Brigade was in Derna. If…
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  • A bit too much speculation for my taste.  However, we don't know what operations were housed at the Annex and…
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  • Not quite.  First we don't know that those that torched the SMC buildings even knew that the Ambassador was present…
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  • It's the "reinvented and streamlined federal agencies.  Bill Clinton's National Partnership for Reinventing Government that was assigned to Al Gore…
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  • Explanation, any time the GOP goes buga-buga, this administration ducks for cover and agrees with the wingnuts that they have…
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