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    Nice to see that others are finally beginning to see the real McCain.  Entitled, not too bright, and serial screw-up…
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  • Emma Brockes at The Guardian asks the same question I have: None of which answers the broader question: who on…
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  • No facts; just Petraeus' belief.  (A belief that others at the CIA may or may not have shared.)  Sort of…
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  • Yet another thread in the scandal that hints at something, Natalie Mahwan was married to a Grayson Wolfe and a…
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  • From Democracy Now! Israel says it has launched the strikes to prevent Palestinian rocket fire, but the latest round of…
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  • Has CNN decided to let Soledad O'Brian be Journalist Soledad O'Brian?  Second time of late where she gently kicked some…
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  • So sayeth one of the handmaidens to the 1%.  
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  • Or more dumb voters like those in TN CD-4.  The christianists in that district returned Scott DesJarlais, the serial adulterer…
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  • Truckie McBarnjacket (love that) could have any number of better excuses than McPOW.  From post-election-shell-shock to tied up with Senate…
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  • Oh my -- McCain reveals just how stupid he is (as are most legacy "C" students). His choice for smart:…
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  • Nobody makes Joe McCarthy look sane.  But he does have many fellow travelers in the fact-free world of paranoia. In…
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  • What they mean is that they again need to replace the wrapping paper on the stinky fish they've been peddling…
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  • Along with his four comrades that were similarly derelict in their Senate committee duties.  From my comment in Oui's diary:…
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  • Has CNN decided to engage in reputable journalism?  McCain skips Benghazi briefing, gets testy when questioned by CNN Most of…
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  • The guy that would be POTUS can't even manage his freaking schedule and show up for his few official job…
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  • Agnostic at dKos detailed the full flavor of the McCain/Graham/GOP partisan hypocrisy in To Sen McCain & Graham Would you…
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  • This is what happens when Democrats give a pass to Republican administrations for really big lies (i.e. WMD) and total…
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  • And yet, I'm not satisfied with the current story.  It's just a little to pat.
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  • You have their number. In those instances where the bigshot goes with the deal (usually based on his gut) before…
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  • Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. The latest NYTimes storyline works.  Explains why the FBI was involved and why…
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