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    Do we really need another war-mongering, female SOS that mostly loathes anyone in the ME that isn't wealthy or Jewish?…
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  • If 2016 is Clinton vs. Bush, Jeb wins.  Let's hope the public is so sick and tired of these two…
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  • Bloomberg is the quintessential bipartisan politician -- a nanny capitalist.  
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  • Old enough to remember a time before "Black Friday" existed.  From Wikipedia: The term's spread was gradual, however, and in…
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  • HUAC was mostly a creation of Democrats in its earlier incarnations.  Through her actions, Eleanor Roosevelt chastised those paranoid men…
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  • Correct with a major correction -- Truman vetoed Taft-Hartley.  
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  • Great quote except the trampling now begins when the thanksgiving meal ends.  
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  • So we have thousands of poor people fleeing from their homes as the M23 rebels advance in the DRC for…
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  • Worse than John Cornyn?  Are "red states" in competition for electing the worst Senator?
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  • The other fourteen remaining CA GOP Reps can't go soon enough either.  If Lungren and Bono-Mack can be taken out,…
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  • DeMint is another of the milquetoast, negative charisma GOP guys.  Like Rmoney, Bill Frist, and Pawlenty.  
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  • Only if those two split from the GOP and run on the Vatican party ticket. Santorum will have been out…
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  • Who they want is someone like GWB that has the fundie base in his pocket and is therefore free to…
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  • Missed that one but not the FP one at dKos.  But am getting weary of the ZOMG on the left…
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  • Republicanism is a very long-con.  Doesn't matter if their spokespersons retain rational cognitive faculties as long as when they speak,…
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  • But can Marco carry Florida?   How long was it before the MSM stopped claiming that Gore's major failure was…
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  • Would have required a huge expansion of the Secret Service to protect all those kids, spouses, and grandkids -- and…
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  • Graham might want to think about glass houses and stone throwing.  Particularly given how little it took to take down…
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  • McKayla makes Obama look cool again and vice versa.
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  • I was outraged that there was no outrage among Democrats/liberals when Bill Clinton threw Sister Souljah, Lani Guinier, and Joycelyn…
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