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    Where "this is going" is more hang wringing among the sane and more gun sales among the crazies.
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  • 2008 was a much more favorable year for Democrats than 2012,... And why was that?  The political version of the…
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  • Not only was the Mormon Crapo busted for DUI but it was in VA.  Wonder what he was doing there…
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  • First, there were fewer voters in 2012 than in 2008.  So without drilling down by state, the gains and losses…
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  • Your wife is more generous than either my friend or me.
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  • You've gone from attributing a statement from me to one made by an undefined "whole lot of people."  Odd that…
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  • The guy that lost to Romney -- who only won primaries where he could rile up the racists -- would…
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  • He lost every other measure. Yet, Democrats would prefer to gloat over the fact that Rmoney was unlikeable than address…
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  • In 2000, a woman (co-worker and attorney) described Bush as one of those guys that was attractive/likeable enough to go…
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  • No, I can't remember -- when you told us that the Republicans were going to spend the 2012 campaign attacking…
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  • Considering that Obama was/is willing to put SS cuts on the table as part of deficit reduction efforts, not too…
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  • Oh, well -- they still refuse to admit that Bill did more damage to the New Deal financial regulation that…
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  • iirc - not so long ago, Tagg claimed that his father had to draft him for the campaign.  So, god…
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  • Wouldn't laugh because according to exit polls that is exactly why Romney lost and by a large margin.  On all…
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  • Many, including Paul Krugman, have been patiently explaining to Obama since at least 2007 that a) Social Security isn't broken…
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  • McConnell filibustering McConnell still seems stupider to me.
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  • In "The GOP Is Nuts" thread, RT directed readers to Charles P Pierce's John Boehner's Career Sunk Last Night.  It's…
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  • I can't imagine a sane person doing what he did, but it's important to get the story right.   The…
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  • "My point is that the reason so many people are dead is not simply because someone was mentally ill." Has…
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  • Stunning.  No wonder the MSM has labeled Petraeus the intellectual general -- he does what right wing think tanks tell…
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