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    Not to be missed is Kevin Drum's article America's Real Criminal Element: Lead. If this research is correct, shouldn't we…
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  • Along with more obviously beneficial small creatures such as bats and bees and coral reefs. One reason "they" don't talk…
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  • More like no one else could get the votes. The final fiscal deal was a test of Boehner's strength and…
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  • King back on the rez: Rep. King says Boehner promises Sandy aid votes. See, it was all a little hissy…
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  • Okay -- then he's a liar.  One's socio/economic/political positions do not trump the truth.  Social Security has nothing to do…
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  • Wow.  It's as if you and I read two different articles.  Pierce brilliantly described exactly what we've had to endure…
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  • Difference between being a member of the House and Senate.  Traditionally, Senators are unfailing polite even to their worst enemies.…
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  • My, my -- how King squeals when they came for him.  And until today, he didn't even remain silent but…
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  • Also: Obama really should separate those issues from  budget negotiations, or at least he should be talking that way instead…
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  • Not exactly.  Sorry for being a stickler about details. Social Security -- retirement, disability, widows and orphans benefits -- has…
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  • Not entitlements, but earned benefits that you contributed to.  Strictly speaking, that's what SS retirement income and Medicare Part A…
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  • The ease with which commentators even here accept that Social Security retirement benefits are an "entitlement" drives me nuts.  It…
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  • Thanks -- memo to self, proof the preview.
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  • For those interested, here's the http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2012/roll659.xml">Roll Call votes. At least one disappointment. Wonder how many of those Democrats that voted…
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  • Some of the fine print from Matt Stoller - Eight Corporate Subsidies in the Fiscal Cliff Bill ... Help out…
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  • If you are worried that we will see cuts in entitlements two months from now, you are probably correct. We…
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  • He was my choice for POTUS in 1992.  Unfortunately, he was dismissed as a favorite son after winning the Iowa…
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  • The median US household income in 2011 was $50,054. Middle class income is perceptually somewhat slippery: An Oct. 2007 poll…
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  • Not so stupid economically, but politically really dumb. Should have taken a page out of the GWB playbook and sent…
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  • All they'll know when they get their first 2013 paycheck is that its smaller than the last one.  Smaller because…
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