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    Others connect the dots somewhat differently from how you've connected them.  Glenn Greenwald provides a good summary. First, as the…
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  • "Leaders cajole, bribe, threaten, slather. They build relationships," said Bloomberg, who compared the president unfavorably to Bill Clinton, "a people…
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  • Twice in my late thirties.  Both times led to pneumonia and neither time did anyone that I came in contact…
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  • Rolling out the narrative that the US was behind the Arab Spring is convenient for some authoritarians, but the US…
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  • The "Arab Spring" died in Libya.  It gave the anti-democratic/authoritarian forces that had been stunned/kicked in Tunisia and Egypt the…
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  • From Glenn Greenwald ... Swartz knew all of this. But he forged ahead anyway. He could have easily opted for…
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  • Is there really anyone on this earth who 'champions' Mark Zuckerberg? Surely you jest.  Zuckerberg has been the subject of…
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  • "Progressive" is quickly becoming as meaningless a term as conservative.  So few are social egalitarians and thinkers.  Many prefer to…
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  • Has anyone else even pointed out the academic "press" racket?  For this alone, he deserved a national medal of freedom.…
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  • He also believed that thimerosol in vaccines was linked to autism.
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  • Wow -- 212 years ago, a man without judicial experience was appointed Chief Justice of the  US Supreme Court.  No…
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  • And someone a couple of decades younger than what will be a seventy-six year old Biden as the nominee in…
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  • Different strokes.   For me, it had everything I appreciate in a movie.  But if one is looking for movie…
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  • Surely another dastardly plot by liberals (or Obama's secret forces) to discredit gun nuts.
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  • I should have an opinion on "Argo" sometime late this year when it hits my local $3.50 movie theater.  Same…
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  • What's the point of saying that he didn't get a degree? He's in good company: Speilberg, Quentin Tarantino(who didn't bother…
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  • Outsourcing.  Blackwater cops and spooks and Halliburton chow costs a multiple of what is paid to military grunts.
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  • Would have been cheaper not to assign the clean-up to the banks.  But playing this long-term game of shadows wrt…
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  • Brennan signals the continuation, along with refinement and expansion, of the worst foreign policy initiative and direction of the Obama…
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  • Back in the late sixties, "hippies" were making the connection between leaded gas and cognitive effects for the general population.…
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