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    Nobody noticed for six years.  The GOP may be disappointed that it didn't remain a secret until 9/1/16. Edwards didn't…
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  • Me too.  So much easier to be principled and avoid the stress of cognitive dissonance.  Defending the indefensible for no…
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  • You sure like to paint with your broad brush.   As someone who not once criticized Ms. Clinton for anything…
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  • Democrats considered this bid deal or evidence of corruption or possible criminality . The Bush White House email controversy surfaced…
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  • Might as well post here as well: On Bill Clinton: "If left to my own devices, I'd spend all my…
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  • Good for Joe's crowd. Too bad all they have to offer for the next POTUS is a septuagenarian.
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  • The thing is with "Bubba" out there collecting big bucks from all sorts of "sovereign wealth funds," it was imperative…
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  • On Bill Clinton: "If left to my own devices, I'd spend all my time pointing out that he's weaker than…
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  • Yes, team Rahm predicted that he would win.  Must have hired from the same professional campaign employee pool as Romney…
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  • Rahm expected to continue to ride on Obama's coattails regardless of his poor job performance and arrogant, unpleasant personality. Is…
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  • From the little that I've read over the past few days, the answer for a significant portion of the MO…
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  • Within eight months, it will have served its purpose with the intended audience, GOP wannabe POTUS candidates.  To scare them…
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  • Everybody knows that quid pro quo only begins with the first dollar over one million.  Up to one million is…
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  • Can you imagine any of the other Republican contenders making a similar request? All of them would if they could.…
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  • The Independent Leaked footage shows Israeli soldiers 'setting dogs on Palestinian teen' At one time in America, most of the…
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  • Perhaps some glowing embers or a better crystal ball in this instance than I possess.  Not implausible that Hillary will…
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  • I saw those comments right here on this blog! No, you didn't.  That was your interpretation while wearing your pro-Israel…
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  • This comment from you indicates that your thinker-clinker wrt Israel is worse than even I previously recognized.  A shame really…
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  • I'd guess that a high percentage of them did attend such classes, formally or informally.  No need to ask questions…
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  • Mark Ames on Nemtsov ... Nemtsov's politics since he went into opposition were little changed from his politics when he…
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