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    That's how I recall it.  Bad non-option, but the ANC demonstrated how bad can be made dreadful. The HIV handling…
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  • Is he running for POTUS of VP?  He would make a nice safe and bland choice for Hillary.  He can…
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  • There were a couple of known key differences between Clinton and Obama in 2007 (when committed primary voters made their…
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  • Thank you for your most worthy contributions to this thread.  
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  • Be honest.  Before he was murdered, had you ever even heard the name Nemtsov much less knew anything about him?
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  • Downthread Oui helpfully posted a picture of the US, primo bomb, bomb, bomb all the time, freedom and democracy lovin…
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  • Be honest -- he was a good looking guy (with a multiple mistresses (four children with three different women), the…
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  • Yes, probably should have excluded Le Carré from my comment.  
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  • Jeremiah 44 ... We will certainly do everything we said we would: We will burn incense to the Queen of…
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  • AKA -- keystone kops which is closer to the reality of spy operations than all those slick and exciting spy…
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  • As uncomfortable as it appears to make you, it's likely that Obama will join Reagan as the only Presidents that…
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  • Nancy was more effective when she didn't have to hold back in favor of seeking impossible bi-partisanship.  Under her minority…
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  • Should have phrased that better.  Meant to say that Clinton pushed and got a Republican controlled Congress to increase the…
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  • Not incompetent.  It's theater and the show is selling out nicely.
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  • Will have to re-read Klein's chapter S. Africa chapter in "The Shock Doctrine" because I may be misremembering that Mandela…
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  • One reason GHWB went down is that public support for a capital gains tax cut didn't exist.  Of course that…
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  • Why should they do this: Democrats should stop pointing and laughing and figure out how to take the policy wheel…
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  • The only time the CPAC straw poll is predictive of the GOP nominee is when they agree with the GOP…
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  • This guy is truly lame Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker (R) is doubling down on claims that the strongest foreign policy…
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  • Why would Clinton have vetoed legislation he supported?  He may not have like all the details of the final legislation…
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