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    The problem today is that Republicans refuse to give an inch. They can't because they built a political base that's…
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  • Parents in the US need to stop striving to be perfect. Yes, particularly considering that as we're all flawed, parental…
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  • Agree.  With you. Kohn might want to be more careful in speaking of choices: She was right. I'm a slightly…
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  • A dam that is finally cracking: CBS newsmen weighing in on O'Lielly.  Bill-O worse, much worse, than David Corn was…
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  • Not really.  The last presidential candidate that I can recall having felt good about voting for happened to be my…
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  • As Neildsmith points out in a comment below, perhaps the non-voters are the sane ones.  The collective hoi polloi of…
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  • One of the many echoes that diary highlights or touches on.  A reason why IMHO it merited my recommendation.  To…
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  • By "research" I didn't mean obsessive focus on all aspects of an unfolding event in real time.  Like the internet,…
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  • This is rich: "Governor Bush doesn't question President Obama's motives. He does question President Obama's disastrous policies," Bush spokeswoman Kristy…
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  • The Great Famine: Ethnic Cleansing or Market Correction by Emmet is a dKos diary worth reading.  It hits on many…
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  • As you point out, no entry fee is good, but only one barrier.  California state beaches are free,but "It just…
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  • Isn't a "politburo" a necessary component for a ruling elite to maintain power for years, decades, and centuries?
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  • It's the Clinton/Bush USA.  The rest of us pretend that we live in a democracy and only two families out…
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  • I don't recall any protests against bombing Afghanistan.  iirc -- bombing it back to the stone age seemed to be…
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  • just don't prevent it. That shouldn't be difficult as US law enforcement is only good at preventing criminal activities that…
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  • That would hurt the fee-fees of the ignoramuses in the Bible belt -- and give them yet another reason to…
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  • because the Western press failed to cover Libyan politics The western press is generally crappy -- but enough solid stuff…
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  • Oh, the Paulista, internet groupie pack.  That makes them even more pathetic losers.
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  • "False flags" and all other forms of official trickery -- even if ostensibly committed for a worthy cause -- never…
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  • Paul is an old crank -- but that comment thread is filled with people lapping up his nuttery.   "There…
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