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    I must be color challenged.  Not only never had a favorite color but the notion of a personal favorite color…
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  • Being "set in one's ways" has nothing to do with what I was saying. btw -- Warren isn't a progressive.…
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  • A momentary flashback.  Carter not knowing which way to turn and Reagan stepping up to promise "morning in America" and…
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  • January 2011Michelle Obama, Wal-Mart partner on healthy foods program.  Am sure Wal-Mart heirs appreciated the good and free PR from…
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  • Isn't this special (USA Today): ...Wal-Mart heir Alice Walton and art dealer Larry Gagosian all wrote checks for $25,000 each…
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  • WAPO: How Big Food Brands are Boosting Profits by Targeting the Poor In order to offer the facade of affordability,…
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  • But we must give MS credit for having the highest childhood vaccination rate in the country because they haven't completely…
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  • Why would anyone for one moment want to consider a late sixty year old candidate for POTUS, that allegedly has…
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  • Anyone taught to think can see that those policies are not any any of the American citizens best interest. That…
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  • Oops -- meant to say that I agree on Franken's performance as a legislator.
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  • I find him a better legislator than a comedian However, his support for GWB's "excellent adventure" isn't moot.  He had…
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  • Appreciate you optimism.  And while political maturity is a late stage development for most people, it's mostly complete by age…
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  • They always show up if the national media cameras are rolling.  Eager to hog whatever moment they can that may…
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  • "Can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink."  Obviously, she didn't dare drink a drop of anything…
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  • To "go bolder in a liberal direction," Franken would have to be a progressive.  He's not -- he's a liberal,…
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  • And that doesn't account for the fact that two people in the same situation don't observe the same thing.  Selective…
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  • Far more than two here.  Numerous comments and diaries have been posted over the past couple of years or so…
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  • Mine too, but have to blame in on aging because back then I was a straight hippie.
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  • FYIW -- From The Daily Mail, a less than reliable source that I generally prefer not to link to, but…
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  • The difference between conservatives/regressives/Republicans is that they accepted Goldwater's defeat as an opportunity to build on what they believed in.…
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