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    Things should improve real soon for Haiti now that Mia Love is in the US House of Reps.  Gonna send…
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  • iirc France recently wrote off the balance due.
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  • Not to be outdone by the finest NJ has to offer the world that had a woman without Ebola detained…
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  • NPR Cuban Doctors Unsung Heroes Of Haitian Earthquake Haiti's medical needs were dire before the earthquake devastated what little infrastructure…
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  • Dare one ask if Haiti and the US BFF Papa Doc was a factor in the decision to embargo Cuba?…
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  • You're not buying that his billionaire clients pay him $25, $50, or $100 million/year for his super-duper business asset management…
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  • Corporations as we know them arose after Jackson's time.  He didn't inherit wealth but built his own in the fine…
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  • If only I had access to platinum words I might have a chance to pierce through some of your long…
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  • IMHO, that wouldn't be on my list of de Tocqueville keen and well thought out observations.  As you note, it…
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  • Take away the Pauls ostensible support for legalizing marijuana and what would they have left to attract a national following?…
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  • In practice, elites damage far more people than psychopaths do.  The number of victims of GWB/Cheney's war in Iraq and…
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  • Not easy to see a winning combination for either of them.  Jeb has the more difficult task because he needs…
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  • Right now I'm holding out for any candidate that I can't easily describe as evil or lesser evil.  Someone truly…
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  • Yes.  Elites are trained and given permission by their families and society to engage in narcissistic and anti-social behaviors as…
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  • Difficult not to analogize the Epstein scandal to Capone being busted for tax evasion.  Unfortunately it breaks down because FL…
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  • You're correct that Americans won't/don't remember Teri Schiavo.  However, in real time 60% were able to relate to the experience…
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  • Wow!  Talk about a complete failure of connecting the dots ability even with the personal experience of the negative consequences…
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  • Shame is outside the capacity of the Bush family, almost all elites (based on status, power, and/or wealth), and psychopaths.…
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  • If all USians voted, the Schiavo issue would be a stone cold loser for Jeb!  Fortunately for him, 40-50% of…
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  • But what's the difference between a Capitalist Catholic Conservative and a Capitalist Koch Conservative?  Like his big bro, Jeb! could…
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