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    Likely assuming no substantive local and/or national changes in the next twelve months and/or no fatal political meltdown for Hillary…
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  • Wouldn't sweat Iowa for Jeb! Religion does play an important role in the GOP caucus results -- but how varies…
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  • A couple of side notes: The loons on the right keep trying to run with this story as another Bill…
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  • Who?
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  • Add George Pataki to the list of "not a chance" guys -- or the fact that he's even considering running…
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  • While sooner (as in January 2013) to rule out a 2016 Presidential run would have been better, he does get…
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  • That doesn't seem quite right to me.  Conservobots quickly embrace all sorts of new technology when it comes packaged as…
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  • They can't even see the rationale for thinking three days ahead based on probabilities.  Thus, they bitch when public officials…
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  • -- oops-- missed a year. As satisfying because there are two of them and Nixon was only one man. There…
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  • I continue to hope that Preet Bharara has a crack team plowing through the NY/NJ Port Authority corruption and that…
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  • iirc it was the south that started the Civil War.  While abolitionists and many others in the north dicked around…
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  • The Dred Scott v. Sanford decision required a Civil War and Constitutional Amendments to overturn it.
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  • You're not getting it.  The Kelo decision specifically stated that local land use policies, zoning, and exercising the power of…
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  • DOD News Dempsey Sponsors Essay Competition to Honor Saudi King WASHINGTON, Jan. 26, 2015 - The chairman of the Joint…
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  • Wouldn't "amoral clarity" be more descriptive?  From Kyle's point of view.
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  • Or maybe Hollande suddenly recalled that he'd long espoused socialistic economic positions and Merkel has long been far to his…
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  • If there was a moral component to the Kelo decision, and I disagree that there was, then your position is…
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  • Kelo wasn't evil.  It was correctly decided.  The takings clause in the Constitution is essential for many publicly supported collective…
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  • Different time -- overall back then the US was anti-Semitic and not particularly aligned with Israel politically.  It was a…
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  • Analogous to what Brownback enjoys in Kansas.  He has a less unpleasant physical appearance and persona than Walker and we…
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