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    Would the structural artifacts of the past glories of those countries generate fewer tourists without a bleeping King or Queen…
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  • Was thinking wildly popular within his/her home state.   Baker only managed to get 48.4% of the vote against one…
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  • With the latest Crown Prince, Muqrin bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, of KSA, the country has finally reached the the end…
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  • She's not, but the electoral map is a tough one for the GOP to crack in 2016. Christie (ignoring the…
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  • Whether they intended to or not, Louisiana voters did cast a majority of their votes for the New Deal.
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  • She may not have done better, but at least nobody would have accused her of not giving the voters of…
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  • The Palins aren't hillbillies; just cognitively challenged, Christian crackers from Alaska.  Plus, they aren't funny.   How about Around the…
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  • Doggone it, when is Palin going to publish the official Teabaggers' Dicshunary and Guide to English for Real 'Mericans?  For…
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  • She does lack natural charisma.  But Jindal has negative charisma.  Have yet to figure out how he was elected Gov…
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  • My impression from the few times I've seen Ernst is that she wears a wig.
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  • Whatever Thiessen has to say should be irrelevant to Democrats other than the neoliberalcon Democrats. What they need to totally…
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  • Disagree.  He wasn't saying that white rural voters are turned off by print/TV/radio content that advocates for same sex marriage…
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  • If they could be heard by the masses and the political candidate messengers were authentic, yes.  As yet haven't figured…
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  • Equal rights and full individual autonomy over one's own body aren't some win/lose competition.  Everybody loses when law supporting discrimination…
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  • A hundred thirty odd years ago, I'm sure someone with your political perspective said, You know, those people weren't ready…
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  • Cannabis was outlawed because blacks and hispanics were the targets. Earlier west coast, state prohibitions were aimed at Mexicans.  At…
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  • Jackie kept her opinions to herself and was gracious towards LBJ when they met.  (Jackie had class but she was…
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  • "Free" gasoline does wonders for making USians feel good all over.  They don't want to hear, much less deal with,…
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  • No, they aren't stupid.  They may not have the education or wherewithal to fill in the blanks of superficial campaign…
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  • Guess we shouldn't overlook the WaPo report: FBI files tell how addicted agent was able to get the drugs ...the…
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