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    Good grief! "And at that time we were sitting back at a table that was near the restrooms and one…
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  • Have to ask if the RNC is losing serious money with each sale of a $72 Cheney cowboy hat or…
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  • WRT to basic science that is scientifically irrefutable and its applications in everyday life, Obama has been superior to his…
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  • Too complicated for the mind of a believer.   Try simpler and more bite sized chunks.  For example, which is…
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  • I first read about AIDS in a long Village Voice article. Would that have been when Rupert Murdoch owned the…
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  • Then there was the lifelong GOP mover and shaker Roy Cohn.  Of course everyone, including Cohn, pretended he wasn't gay…
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  • Also note that was the period of The Great Awakening.  All those "new" quasi-christian religions that sprouted up because the…
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  • And the automobiles that run on water that we can't have because of "money." Sugar pills and snake oil also…
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  • Reminds me of a time a client, Bob and his wife Rose, sent me a holiday gift check for $50.…
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  • What if that 66% (assuming that's correct) immunity effectiveness for vaccines is as good as it can get?  Not opposed…
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  • NYTimes New York Attorney General Targets Supplements at Major Retailers The New York State attorney general's office accused four major…
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  • Excerpts from billmon - twitter: (and there's good and plenty more chuckles at his place.) "Christie Huckabee 2016: Because in…
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  • Thanks for the update.  At least those two had to suffer the indignities of the trial, and McDonnell's political career…
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  • That poll supports my observation that the young people in this country aren't going to save it.  Because they didn't…
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  • It's often the chump change thefts that take down seriously crooked politicians.  Not because the petty stuff is seen as…
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  • The other GOP, MD POTUS wannabe weighs in.  Unlike Paul, he appears to have learned some basic health science in…
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  • Their right to do any stupid or foolhardy thing they want for themselves and their children ends when they endanger…
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  • Paul may fear losing some of his "crunchy munchy" base.  (The anti-science DFHs were almost always as wrong as the…
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  • From When "Not a Scientist" Kids Stood in Line I'm sure there were the crackpots out there denouncing science and…
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  • I know that pandering to the RWNJ "freedum" loving and "keep government out of my Medicare" bozos is part of…
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