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    What's frustrating, he said, is that the solution is straightforward. "It doesn't need big, fancy machines.... It's just good, quality…
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  • USians are so freaking lame.  Clueless that their prejudices make them stupid.  (See Chris Mooney's latest article at Mother Jones…
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  • When did we dispense with "a jury of one's peers?"   Let's get real.  Between the strength of police unions…
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  • "Talking about it all the time" is as likely, if not more so, to reinforce the pre-existing view.  OTOH, "sweeping…
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  • From the Smoking Gun, GOP Staffer Who Attacked Obama Girls Was Arrested During Her Own "Awful Teen Years" The Republican…
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  • Except for the communities that are even more racist than the racist cops.  There are methods to train cops to…
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  • Rush wasn't fired for his loathsome comments about Chelsea Clinton and that woman who attacked Obama's daughters was fired for…
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  • Sure, Bill Clinton was a libruul Democrat, but at least he was white. Who was impeached and had only advocated…
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  • Wasn't the man that shot Trayvon Martin indicted and wasn't a criminal trial held?  Public outrage and/or protests probably facilitated…
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  • Believe whatever words you want.  The glaring omission of any comment on halting the transfer of surplus military equipment and…
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  • No.  OTOH, Obama hasn't addressed the concerns of the Occupy protests either.  Or the anti-nuke, anti-drone, anti-war groups.  All part…
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  • And white exurbanites in other cities in many non-southern states as well.
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  • Conservative racism was snarling and unelectable only in 1964, 1992, 2008, and 2012. Yes, it was in-your-face racism in 1968…
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  • That would insure that only those with nothing to lose and desperate for any job would become police officers.  The…
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  • A direct answer to my question: [B]eyond calling for additional oversight, community engagement, and training, Obama will not act to…
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  • Did you mean Volkspolizei instead of Stasi?  Or do you have pictures of Stasi looking like what we imagine or…
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  • After Pat Buchanan's rabid speech at the 1992 Republican convention, it was Ivins who quipped, "It probably sounded better in…
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  • Sentiment is fine.  But will there be a curtailment of surplus military equipment transferred to local police departments?  Or just…
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  • I think Ed was better prepared by his upbringing than I was to meet America in the Obama Era. Maybe…
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  • She is the only candidate that can beat any republican currently alive (and yes, I actually believe that statement)? Beliefs…
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