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    Yes, a shame we only have one and a half political parties.  Not to worry -- soon enough there will…
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  • The GOP does plenty when it's in power.  All of it the opposite of what decent and rational people would…
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  • ...he has better creds than our last 6 SOD. What creds are you referring to?  Four star general? SEC/DEF is…
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  • It will, however, be a total waste of everyone's time. Distraction that sucks up political oxygen is the whole point.…
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  • And Republicans are as good at defense and foreign policy as they are on the economy.  When the only two…
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  • Touched somewhat on it in "A Kiss can be an Assault" and the comments.
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  • It's difficult to look further back than the end of WWII because there was no DOD and Republicans in general…
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  • Forty Percent of Non-Citizens Living in the US on Expired Visitor, Student Visas The difference between that 40% and the…
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  • Why? Is there even one reason why Clark would be an acceptable nominee?  Is it even possible that the Republicans…
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  • We could probably look back to JFK to see the roots of the penchant for Democratic Presidents to appoint GOP…
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  • Amber gets it right and deBoer doesn't.  There is nothing inconsistent in recognizing that some people must be incarcerated to…
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  • I think that we may all, at least up until a certain age, have an inborn feminist side.  Accessing it…
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  • "Carceral Feminism?"  Interesting that a libertarian publication would find another label with which to try to denigrate feminism and then…
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  • Allow me first to compliment you for the intelligence and psychological fortitude to recognize that the physical violence you were…
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  • Isn't the whole lament of the misogynist men's groups that feminists hate men?  That we're labeled "femininazis" by the dittoheads?…
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  • Examples of a sane Republican from a few decades ago (keep in mind that crazies have been in their ranks…
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  • Why should Republicans like this try to fight off the Bircher Baggers that have taken over his party when he…
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  • Many people view me as being nuttier than a fruitcake. Not sure it's a question of sanity so much as…
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  • I read a 114 page report on the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy before writing this diary.  It's not about…
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  • 2012 NYTimes article -- "Penn South and Pruitt-Igoe, Starkly Different Housing Tales."  Basically housing like Penn South was facilitated by…
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