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    Good article -- did a substantial amount of research and wrote a diary on this a few years ago.  …
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  • Yes, then we'll only have to deal with trigger happy cops, young men with assault weapons and semi-automatic guns that…
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  • I'm not confused.  Just explaining the bargain that voting homeowners accepted over several decades.  Who actually personally profits in the…
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  • I know that a high home property taxes are your big beef, but that's one of the results of screwing…
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  • Gary Brechner's the War Nerd: Why Sherman was Right to Burn Atlanta response to the NYTimes op-ed is first rate…
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  • Ten percent or less of the "mushy middle" is all they have to sell it.  And that constituency is most…
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  • The Electoral College map could get much better and more predictable for the GOP in 2016 if certain "swing" states…
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  • A majority of the public weren't on board with impeaching Nixon.  The shift occurred when he resigned and a majority…
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  • This:We are dumb. We don't even know--don't particularly care--who was president when Katrina hit New Orleans, but are happy to…
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  • The only allegation I linked to in the diary was an uninvited/unwelcomed, aggressive kiss.  That woman was no more at…
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  • Here's the thing -- it appeared that he got more "help" than other kids (particularly from his schools), but as…
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  • Tend to doubt that the women compared notes with each other.  However, other than the first woman that claimed a…
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  • Should I have reported that kiss to the police?  Or my employer?  At the time it happened, my employer took…
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  • The general public likely doesn't fully understand the "groupie" phenomenon.  Or assigns it to something that only exists in the…
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  • those alleged victims describe the same Modus Operand Here's the problem.  The tabloids managed to get and published a couple…
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  • Doubt wrt to the LaCrosse players was trumpeted loudly by Faux, etc.  The indictment slowed down the doubts among others.…
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  • An important point, the anthrax in the Daschle and Leahy letters was a more refined grade than what was sent…
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  • Have to disagree with you on the anthrax attacks.  There were five deaths and 17 reported non-fatal infections.  (Don't know…
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  • Or boomed for the "need more tin foil" folks.  
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  • Besides, as the vilest Writer has his Readers, so the greatest Liar has his Believers; and it often happens, that…
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