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    Treated like the Bonus Army was treated by Hoover in 1932. Kudos for that analogy. Kevin Baker's Barack Hoover Obama…
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  • Heeding anything from Sullivan is like listening to Sullivan. This bar graph tells the larger story.  And it's based on…
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  • As you imply, when the only thing on offer is a choice between bigotry and ...  Bigotry will win below…
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  • Don't know Ian Traynor and not interested in looking him up at the moment -- but anyone approvingly quoting the…
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  • What did the lame duck Clinton have to fear?   10/31/98 - Iraq Liberation Act  (Democrats are so lame that…
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  • IOKIYAR (and unlike Earl Warren, continue to act like one).
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  • Warren (and others) have been saying the same thing for many years.  Terry Gross had Warren on her show in…
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  • We are not like you women that keep on going back to serial abusers ... Disgustingly sexist.  And ignorant.  The…
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  • Shorter John Yoo: the Fab Five are Republicans that are with the winning Koch-ALEC-in-a-box team.
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  • This alone is enough reason to have contempt for Holder: Matt Taibbi - Rolling Stone - The $9 Billion Witness:…
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  • BTW -- I also read articles in the NYTimes, WAPO, and Bloomberg -- fully aware that they too are government…
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  • Western academic articles not slanted?  A quick google scan confirms Clark's point that the west wants Orban out because he's…
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  • (I've been told, never for attribution, that Valerie favors Columbia because, she has told the Obamas, it will be so…
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  • "We" never sent him away.  It was Obama and his merry band of neoliberalcons that did.  Without even so much…
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  • Interesting read from Neil Clark: The bullying of Hungary - the country that dared to disobey the US and EU…
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  • All true -- but President Obama's policies are neo-liberal and he's only slightly less of a war hawk than the…
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  • Well then.  Might as well sit back and watch as this country goes to hell in a hand basket.  Seriously,…
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  • Have to consider that Obama was re-elected because most of the PPACA didn't kick in until almost a year ago…
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  • Harry S. Truman, May 17, 1952.  (Could have been written yesterday.) ... Now, the Republicans in 1948, in that 80th…
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  • Thank you.  I prefer to look at the preference incumbents when evenly matched because incumbents reflect past voting behaviors and…
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