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    With all due respect, just because someone can't see their privilege, it doesn't mean that it doesn't exist or they…
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  • Is there a difference between the Free Syrian Army and ISIS?  Probably not to Assad.  Both have US military gear.…
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  • Yet another reason why Wall St. is so corrupt.  An undergrad business degree is only slightly more difficult than one…
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  • Russia has oil and gas.  China doesn't.  And Putin knows better than to take China's surplus chickens. OTOH, China may…
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  • The Hill: Feds to allow Chinese chicken imports.  Nice to know that China produces/processes more chicken than the Chinese need.…
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  • Attkinson should have stuck with being a TV newsreader because apparently all her years on the job training at CBS…
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  • to forbid city bus lines to run in their suburb Do they pay "the help" enough that they can afford…
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  • That is so far into "making nothing out of nothing" that it should die out quickly after all those with…
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  • Doncha know that Republicans can make scary things like Ebola and ISIS disappear just as soon as they're elected?  Republicans…
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  • Another reason why without the "50 state strategy", Democrats are doomed not to govern.
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  • Alaska, Wisconsin, Maine, Iowa, Colorado, and Minnesota were the only states to have turnout above 50%. And your point?  WI…
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  • Immigration reform has broad-based support everywhere but in the Fox News constituency. The "Fox News constituency" is like 95% of…
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  • Matt Taibbi is back at Rolling Stone with The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare Not going to…
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  • Does "most voters under the age of 65% ..." work better for you? And would also say that the majority…
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  • Which GOP base wants immigration reform?  Not the business community that likes the undocumented cheap labor that can't complain.  Not…
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  • They will not vote for a multiracial party. SC went heavily for a black GOP Senator.  They like their closeted…
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  • You give voters too much credit for being able to articulate what they want Congress to do.  And, let's get…
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  • Not everywhere.  It was 69.5% in OR.  The CO mail-in ballots was as easy if not easier than that in…
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  • Know-nothing-swingers.  Preserves a self-image of being non-partisan and moderate without the hassle of having to define moderate and figure out…
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  • Of course they can govern.  The people may not like their governance, but didn't stop those in FL, GA, KS,…
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