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    If this is the one you were talking about a couple of weeks ago, I've been waiting for you to…
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  • Bodies in the streets. 70 K minimum.  I can think of nothing else that will get this particular non-voter group…
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  • I hate to break it to you, but you Pennsylvanians are now going to be on the front line:  …
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  • what she said
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  • you're a great mother hen I'm calling it a night.  I really meant it when I said that my brain…
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  • libra you're my mother 🙁 At certain times, it's perfectly safe to give over care of your belongings to the…
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  • someone brought me Belgian chocolates once and they were the most beautiful things, it was a shame to eat them.…
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  • party pooper I still trying to figure out exactly who the "them" are that I am supposed to call.  It's…
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  • I hate grading papers.  Growing up as the child of two teachers will do that to you. My brain hurts…
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  • Hey! I'm over here I'm still mulling over the information that Jim stays up that late and never comes and…
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  • I'm back; tell Jim to wake up
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  • I've never registered at MyDD because they use too many big words over there.
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  • now we have proof positive that Janet doesn't read the news bucket.  wow, she's on a rampage.  Justifiably so.
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  • Not exactly.  Here's the link First, let me say that I think this bill is ridiculous.  But let's at least…
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  • and all male?
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  • Since one of my Senators sits on the committee, I spent part of the morning encouraging Missourians to contact his…
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  • maybe there are times when black IS preferable
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  • Helena Bonham Carter's hair was atrocious too -- but sort of went with the whole "I'm married to Tim Burton"…
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  • and what was with her hair?
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  • I like her better with red hair than blond.  The blond with the white dress -- too ghostly.
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