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    Chris?  Did you steal BooMan's log in? That panda looks like he (or she, I can't tell) is saying "Bartender,…
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  • oooh you're good.  ðŸ™‚
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  • I don't know if it's true but many Republicans in my office have been predicting it for a number of…
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  • That's true.  And that's when I basically stopped reading MyDD on a regular basis.
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  • Sounds good. But one reason Claire was a great candidate to work for was that she was always on message…
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  • This is not your most most coherent post.   The blogosphere that cares deeply about boycotting Fox is right to…
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  • huh? You villify Clinton for going on O'Reilly after Obama went on Fox?  But claim that Obama had to go…
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  • If he does endorse Hillary it will just be confirmation to anyone who ever doubted it that he never really…
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  • But it creates the opposite effect in me - it makes me really annoyed.  And when I'm at the airport…
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  • no, no.  Cable news might actually grab your attention - for instance when someone is shown ranting (usually a host…
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  • I assume that at some point someone is going to come up with the teevee version of Musak.  
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  • California.  What can I say?
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  • um... let's go back in time.  You thought going out drinking with friends was a waste of time that would…
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  • Oh Larry King is real. But in Real Life most people don't have time to sit around watching teevee all…
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  • In Real Life - most people don't know who Lanny Davis is.   It's better that way.
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  • I suggest a dose of Real Life.  It's a good reality check.  
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  • Your last day in college EVER!!!   How sad.   You are soooo going to miss Christmas break.  Trust me…
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  • I don't think so. Nobody at my office seemed more on edge than usual; in fact it was more laid…
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  • I knew that admission would surprise no one.  Especially you ... 🙂
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  • You and I need to kidnap him and take to a remote location that he doesn't like (Michigan) and keep…
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