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    Mark Blumenthal at Pollster.com does an interesting comparison of Wisconsin and Ohio and concludes that Obama has a chance to…
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  • irrational exuberance ...
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  • I like RFK Jr. to head the EPA too.
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  • Not that John Edwards wouldn't be a fine attorney general, but he says his focus going forward is going to…
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  • uh no as you wrote days ago. "stick a fork. She's done" I don't think I ever said that.
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  • Might as well put this here too.  A commenter over at Matt Yglesias' post debate thread linked to Dan Drezner…
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  • And he answers, pointing out how silly this whole plagiarism thing is: Clinton, 92: "The hits that I took in…
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  • after she got booed for the xerox moment and she realized she needed to end the plagiarism lines.   Good…
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  • Yeah, you're right.  I remember when Edwards said that. Someone over at dKos says that her story that meeting people…
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  •  I dont' know what Josh Marshall is talking about: That was an interesting final moment to end on for Hillary.…
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  • What dumb advice.   But they don't like Hillary so why should they say anything helpful.
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  • Hillary needed a knockout in this debate and she didn't get it.  She did well.  But I don't think it…
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  • That was a GREAT answer by Hillary.  
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  • yes.
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  • Actually, BT uses a shih tsu.
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  • Isn't this thing over yet?   Maybe they'll ask about being endorsed by a dead Texan.  LBJ?
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  • He hit that one out of the park (I hate football analogies).  He answered with McCain in mind, not Hillary.
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  • She wouldn't get away with avoiding talking about the surge if she has to go against McCain.
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  • She loses points by changing the subject.
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  • I love how CNN reads these e-mails like they really are from undecided voters and not candidatebots.
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