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    Part of the problem with Clinton, at least according to Toobin, was that he never wanted to appoint anybody that…
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  • My recollection is that the Clinton transition was not all that smooth and that it took a long time to…
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  • Mark Penn declares that the world is insignificant. lol! Although it would be funnier if George Bush hadn't said it…
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  • Well, of course they can stand behind their story. Their story doesn't say he did have an affair.  It says…
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  • Not really necessary to reprint all that crap.
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  • I tend to agree with you only because they led with the alleged sex.  They set out to lead everyone…
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  • The main source for this story is John Weaver who used to be described as McCain's Karl Rove.  He left…
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  • It's an odd article.  It starts out with the sex angle and then it devolves into a history lesson.  For…
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  • I'm glad he made this statement.  It means that if (when) she loses one of those states they are at…
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  • After he finished that speech he came over and stood right in front of me and kidspeak - so we…
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  • yum .... I mean.  What excellent news!
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  • I didn't wait in line to get up into it.  But you look GOOD in it!
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  • I just saw that.  Maybe they'll throw him a barbeque and let him drive in on a big rig 😉
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  • um... I have no idea why you posted that in response to my post.  
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  • I have a close friend who is originally from Green Bay.  He's a libertarian who voted for Bush in 2000…
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  • Anybody have a link to that memo the Obama leaked after Super Tuesday in which they projected their delegate gains…
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  • Well the Islands will have to be counted while I sleep. I hope I wake up to good news.  Night…
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  • good start!
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  • we want live blogging of the event.  But if the car doesn't show up in the next 15 minutes I'll…
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  • smoke signals?  The fire department could then call the cops for you 😉
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