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    As Brad DeLong is fond of repeating, "the Kossacks work for the Czar".  Rouse works for Obama, just as Emmanuel…
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  • Chief, congrats on following the voting strategy of the great Molly Ivins':  In primaries, vote your heart; in general elections,…
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  • Having watched video online of Obama's speech in Madison, I detect the fine hand of David Plouffe at work. Heart…
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  • First, it's always good to be reminded that we have a president who knows what he's doing and how to…
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  • Voice, we'll have to see what happens.  Gates has already said he's leaving next year, so Obama will have some…
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  • An old organizing tactic.  Obama not only got them all to "sign on"; he got them to make public statements…
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  • True that.   At a time when we seem to have very few victories (and a number of defeats) on…
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  • Yeah, I agree.  He pretty clearly wants to be a two term president and to be seen as having inaugurated…
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  • So, based on this reporting, Obama took Gates' threat to resign if Obama didn't approve a "surge" of 40,000 troops,…
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  • Richard, I'm no expert in Islamic theology, but just as a matter of sociological fact, there appear appear to be…
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  • It's hard to avoid the conclusion that adopting more of the DFH domestic agenda (health care reform with public option,…
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  • Thanks, good to know.
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  • I don't know, and I'm interested to know the answer. Off the top of my head I can think of…
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  • I hear you Calvin.  I didn't say I agreed with the internal logic...but that's what we seem to be up…
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  • Walk away from a rigged game and you lose. Figure out how to play the game better and you have…
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  • Agreed.  The question then becomes what strategies to use? Given that we do have a center-left president, it seems to…
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  • Which is also rational---if you're a Congressional Democrat and fear losing your seat because your voting record is too liberal,…
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  • QueerReader, I'm hoping that Obama cut a deal with the Pentagon (Gates, Joint Chiefs, etc.) that he'd back them up…
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  • Booman, thanks for another thought-provoking post.   If anyone's wondering why JFK created what became the EEOC when the focus…
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  • Apparently Blanche Lincoln and Mark Pryor (Harry Reid switched his vote for procedural reasons, to be able to bring the…
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