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    There's been lots of talk on the left about Obama not being is a "fighter" or a "good poker player".…
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  • Liberty, just to add to dataguy's point, pretty much everyone expects that when the Census Bureaus releases more detailed demographic…
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  • dataguy, per exit poll figures published in the NY Times after the 2008 election:  18-29 year old voters split 66-32…
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  • Archangel M, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but have a couple of problems with what you say. First (and this is…
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  • JLG, one of the good things about elections is that they're not for "all the marbles".  (It's just another advantage…
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  • Good point, TarheelDem.  Breaking it down a little further:   Washington is already a blue state. *Nevada, Arizona and Florida…
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  • Calvin, with a loss as big as the Dems suffered last month, there's plenty of blame to go around---including to…
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  • CrapIsKing, I can understand your frustration, but one of the great weapons used by those who don't want change is…
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  • I don't know for sure that the Senate Republicans cut that deal, but I read something recently that hinted at…
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  • TarheelDem, what do you think the chances are that Harry Reid could get Senate Dems in the next session to…
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  • Mike, as an earlier Democratic president said, I feel your pain. I hate to be the bearer of more bad…
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  • jcbhan, from what little I know about the early maneuvering for those three seats, Snowe and Ensign may be more…
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  • dataguy, I don't know what the White House will be doing in the next two years, but here are a…
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  • Calvin, it may well be that Axelrod only knows how to run campaigns, or at least, that running campaigns is…
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  • GaBuck, I think we basically agree with each other (though I don't want to put words in your mouth), but…
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  • Peacearena, thanks for that powerful memory.  The late, great Molly Ivins remembered asking why she couldn't drink from the "Colored"…
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  • Thanks for the link canberra boy.  That's a terrific thread.
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  • I wouldn't begin to know what most people think, or what the poll "really means".  I do think the fact…
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  • DaveW, thanks for your multiple contributions to this thread (particularly the line about David Brooks using cognitive dissonance as a…
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  • Liberty for All, isn't it true that in the real world, your hypothetical California couple will qualify for multiple tax…
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