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    Where is the Willie Brown of the House Republican caucus?
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  • It's no accident that in the original definition of the week we use, there's a day of rest. (Genesis 2:2)
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  • Good and devastating analysis, Booman. One minor edit: shouldn't that be "majority", not "plurality", in the 4th-from-the-end paragraph, describing those…
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  • Maybe not. But aren't people who oppose Trump and want government to work for the benefit of all citizens supposed…
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  • With all due respect, there was a choice.  You (or I, or any number of people) may not have liked…
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  • For what it's worth, here's a fuller account of President Obama's first 100 days: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_100_days_of_Barack_Obama's_presidency It includes the Recovery Act,…
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  • Yes. Why not? Or do you have another proposal that you think would be more effective?
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  • Thanks for your comment, but it seems worth remembering that most people didn't vote for Donald Trump; indeed, over 2.5…
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  • Thanks for your question; it's a good one. Here's why I think it matters: If Democrats/liberals/progressives are a minority of…
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  • Oh, and also: 4 - Despite major voter suppression efforts by GOP in several states.
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  • Just a reminder: 1 - The American people voted for Clinton over Trump by a margin that exceeds 2.4 million…
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  • I suspect almost all of us could profit from reading more 1920s and 1850s US history (also: the late 19th…
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  • Agreed.   One minor point: there's no such thing as a perfect political campaign, so to say one side should…
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  • I'm sorry for your loss. Congratulations on making it through the first year (in my experience, the hardest).
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  • And here's where the Republican party---or at least, Paul Ryan and politicians like him---could use a bit more joy in…
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  • Thanks. Very helpful.
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  • The end of Jim Crow might play a factor....
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  • Thanks for clarifying.
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  • Folks who know the South and the Southwest better should feel free to jump in here, but isn't part of…
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  • First, many cities in the Northeast and Midwest are in better shape today than they've been in for several decades.…
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