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    Yeah, me too. One of the points (imho) of organizing in the Trump era is to try to force Trump…
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  • Exactly. Which brings to mind some of Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals"* that I hope immigration organizers and leaders are keeping…
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  • Thanks for your comment. It's not just that “concentration camps” is perfectly fine, as Hitler’s first camps were long term…
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  • I'll take "Who are 3rd party candidates who will live in infamy?" for $400, Alex. I imagine Dems in Maine…
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  • One thing Biden appears to be trying to say is a bit of world-as-it-is political wisdom that organizers often summarize…
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  • It'll be interesting to see what polling results congressional Republicans are getting/will get as the year goes along on as…
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  • True. But there are other options besides sucking an egg. Michael Tomasky argues the Democrats don't lack guts; they lack…
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  • Adding some historical context: one reason the New Deal was such a radical change from the status quo is that…
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  • Solid analysis. As for how this plays out in the Democratic primaries, longtime Massachusetts political journalist David Bernstein has already…
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  • It seems worth mentioning a couple of historical points here: 1) The platform Clinton ran on in 2016 was arguably…
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  • Thanks for your question. Speaking just for myself, I'm not scared by Biden's polling numbers, or Sanders' for that matter.…
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  • A related point: democracy relies on the losers accepting defeat. The liberal concern with process and structure implies (I think)…
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  • Well, if that's what they're afraid of, they're missing the point. This is a situation where the wisdom of popular…
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  • Maybe! But that's (often) how incumbents lose elections---first, fail to broaden your base; then, antagonize small factions of your supporters…
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  • Why die in battle at all? The point of engaging in battle is to defeat your opponent. (I think it…
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  • Because Obama was a center-left Democrat? (As president, as US senator, and as Illinois state senator.)
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  • Yep, and when it does it'll be important for democrats---both small and large 'd'---to keep a couple of things in…
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  • Thanks for your comment, but the way things are now, "they" don't have a problem; you (and I, and everyone…
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  • For some reason this brings to mind the first Ali-Frazier fight. Ali was undefeated and he was bigger, longer, faster…
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  • Thanks, Booman. As always, interesting analysis. It brought to mind (all memories guaranteed approximate) an old story from "Hardball" (the…
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