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    Mueller's behavior yesterday could mean any of several things: hearing loss, congnitive decline, mistaken political judgment that "taking the high…
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  • After several hours of testimony, I think the answer is "yes". That doesn't mean Trump is a goner, or that…
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  • I'm sorry for you, and your friend's, loss. The roots of racism in southeastern Michigan go way deeper than 1967.…
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  • And it's the racism (and anti-Semitism) that's increasingly a problem for Republicans. That's the thing about demographic changes: they're relentless.…
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  • Agreed. I'll just add that during the Civil War, Lincoln also very much continued to be a pragmatic politician, always…
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  • Another point about Lincoln (and this comes from Eric Foner in his excellent "The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln & American…
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  • I think it is going to be tough to beat this guy, and maybe it can’t be done. Great "world…
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  • Yep, and that's one of the challenges of this historical moment---how to organize and engage in ways that both 1)…
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  • It may be annoying, but it remains true that the biggest story in American politics is that the president of…
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  • His refusal to add any new material to his repertoire is killing him and folks are beginning to prefer his…
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  • Maybe! But here's an alternate view: 1) primaries are for sorting out the parties' platforms. And platforms can change, especially…
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  • I'd love to see a followup post that explores the political gamesplaying and timing around the debt ceiling and budget.…
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  • Thanks for the reporting, and for the historical perspective. One way to read Alinsky's "Rules for Radicals" is as a…
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  • I disagree (about what it implies). I think what it implies is that key factions of the Democratic governing coalition…
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  • Adding: I suspect that Booker and Harris, in particular, will need to demonstrate strong support from white voters in IA…
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  • Also known as avoiding the Adlai Stevenson trap. As the story goes, Stevenson was campaigning and a supporter told him,…
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  • It is kind of baffling. (Booker too.) This isn't an explanation but sometimes it just happens with certain candidates. Bill…
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  • Succinct, clearly explained, modest,and well thought out---a classic piece of Booman political analysis; thanks. I didn't watch either of the…
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  • This brings to mind the late, great Molly Ivins' maxim for voting (paraphrasing): "Primaries are for voting with your heart;…
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  • Assuming but by no means conceding (to quote a lawyer I know) your point that only the prospect of Iranians…
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