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    Interesting, thanks!
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  • Yeah, pretty much. Apparently Biden was one of a few prominent non-Ukrainians put on the board of the company to…
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  • Okay, thanks. While 1992 (or 1994 with Prop 187) may in retrospect represent a seismic shift in California politics, not…
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  • In the business world the #1 predictor of whether or not a job candidate will succeed is intelligence. Really? Would…
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  • Just curious: why would you judge by memes? (As opposed to, say, what AOC---and other left-wing members of Congress---actually says…
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  • What happened in California years ago*? (And how many years ago did it happen?) *Asking for an ignorant Right Coast…
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  • Reminder: it's not much of an army. He lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes; and that was…
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  • I don’t really want the whole foreign service to resign en masse.... Agreed, because assuming the majority regains control of…
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  • It remains astounding (to me) how bad at politics 101 centrist Republicans are and have been for the past decade.…
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  • Sanders is a good example (a phrase that when used here means "cautionary tale") of the dangers of a talented…
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  • Backroom negotiation is what is needed---someone in leadership who's pulling back the reins on lefties who get too far ahead…
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  • Yes, please. (Alternatively, have the Judiciary committee proceed with its impeachment investigation, and have the other committees hold complementary* hearings/investigations.)…
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  • Veteran #mapoli journalist David Bernstein has observed that running against Markey may be Kennedy's only chance (for a while) to…
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  • I'll put this opening paragraph of Jimmy Breslin's How the Good Guys Finally Won here with a number of qualifications:…
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  • We agree on the importance---both for the party's and the nation's long-term civic health---of Democrats representing working people. That said,…
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  • Candidates who win have brilliant campaign strategies and tactics. Candidates who lose have terrible ones. The "move to Iowa" strategy…
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  • Playing around with 270towin.com's 2020 electoral college map reinforces how much of an existential threat this red-to-blue transition would be…
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  • Thanks for your comment, but "Face it. He's our nominee" is roughly as speculative as "Biden has no chance to…
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  • So, playing along with the Cabinet Game: Bennet - Education (former Denver supt.), Interior. Biden - no, but on the…
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  • Thanks for your comment. It brought to mind one of Alinksy's Rules for Radicals: "Never go outside the expertise of…
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