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    Which is why the Democrats should take the time it needs. Yes, the constitutional and legal reasons for proceeding with…
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  • And this is just Ukraine. Here's hoping the House Foreign Affairs Committee is quietly investigating similar Trump operations with respect…
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  • Folks (to quote Joe Biden), you don't dismantle a corrupt presidency with a couple of weeks of good hearings. It…
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  • I agree McConnell is important, but I also think it's important that---like Pelosi, or any good party caucus leader---his main…
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  • Also, what are the Democrats going to do if Sondland asks for immunity? Make him plead the Fifth repeatedly on…
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  • I think this post deserves to be read side by side with today's other post, "The Democrats Have Begun Their…
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  • Don't despair about the decline of the human species; there were always people like Rand Paul. (Sen. Paul, meet Sen.…
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  • Thanks for your comment, but I don't see anybody rejecting Bloomberg *because* of his wealth. I see---in this thread and…
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  • Thanks for your thoughtful response. We agree (I think) that powerlessness (of which poverty is a form) tends to corrupt,…
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  • Thanks for your comment. I doubt anyone has an issue with Bloomberg for having been mayor of New York City.…
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  • " As non-whites achieve equality it really is a zero sum game." Great topic to raise, and not one we…
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  • Tell a different story. So, for example, if Warren gets the nomination, she'd be well advised to do even more…
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  • It seems worth noting that Trump won (and by won, I mean something like "lost the popular vote by 3…
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  • Thanks for your thoughtful response. We agree, I think, that the fight cannot be avoided. I'm just arguing for---to the…
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  • I don't know about the Philly suburbs, but the power---even the mere existence---of suburban (and rural) Republican party machines is…
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  • Why let the Steve Bannons of the world determine what field we're going to play on? Sometimes the best defense…
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  • Well said. I'm hoping for a similar Pennsylvania deep dive from you in the coming days and weeks, with a…
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  • Good post & interesting thread. Thanks, Martin & all. My first reaction is to reemphasize the old (but never out…
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  • Good questions. And entire books have been written about them. But briefly: different states can have differing demographics, economics, and…
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  • Join the crowd. Right now, every Democratic candidate stands a better chance of losing the primary than winning it. On…
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