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    Great context, thanks. Here's more: The Feb. 6, 1974 House to vote open an impeachment inquiry was 410-4. HJC chairman…
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  • Side note: anyone else wondering (and nervous) about the fact that the SDNY US attorney's office is leading the case…
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  • And I’ve never bought the line that “Trump will never quit.” Look at his history. He gives up on things…
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  • Excellent analysis, as usual. I'll just add that it shouldn't surprise any of us to see the race change in…
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  • And this is why (not that any of us should count on it) next year's election could be a landslide…
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  • It's one thing for you (or I, or any given citizen) to mock bigots. It's another for someone who not…
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  • The short answer to your question ("Will they merely offset the death by natural selection that occurs among The 46%…
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  • Happily, the best available strategy for vulnerable Republicans is a mirror image of the best available strategy for Democrats to…
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  • "Rmoney doesn’t seem like he lets go of snubs..." Romney will do just about anything he thinks is good for…
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  • I'm pretty sure there's nothing in the Constitution giving the Senate authority to decide who can (or can't) run for…
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  • Interesting comment, thanks. I'll just register the view that overturning DACA isn't (or at least, may not be) a "win-win"…
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  • Thanks for your comment. Collins has regularly won elections with a significant chunk of Dem and Dem-leaning voters. Her vote…
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  • To answer Martin's headline question, I think the answer is pretty clearly "no". There's a (slim) possibility that voting to…
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  • This is why the decision to open an impeachment inquiry---with the public support of a majority of the House and…
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  • Yeah, I imagine there are a bunch of ways Biden could respond that would benefit his campaign...and a bunch of…
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  • Good, thoughtful analysis. Over the past 10 days or so, external events (Ukraine, Sanders) have raised the stakes/given new opportunities…
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  • Ah, well. It's one of the challenges of advancing age: decreased ability to focus for long periods of time, and…
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  • Probably not. But having majority counsel do extended questioning of witnesses is almost as good. Impeachment, like any lengthy legal…
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  • Chess has become a vacation I can take for twenty minutes, but those twenty minutes have started adding up to…
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  • Yes, all hail the whistleblowers! Say their names, tell their stories, so that potential whistleblowers can take heart that they're…
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