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    Had a flashback today to All the President's Men when Deep Throat tells Woodward, "You're missing the overall. The people…
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  • Given the times we're in, it's impressive that Romney and Manchin (and Sinema) voted as they did. Jones too, but…
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  • Okay, which "we" are you---a "crawl over glass" we, a "voted for Trump but got conned" we, or some other…
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  • Okay, thanks. FWIW, here's the problem (at least, for me) with your answer to my #1: those are different, and…
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  • Thanks for the question. For a couple of reasons: 1) Because I couldn't figure out who No Straight Lines was…
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  • "We want Trump out no matter what." Genuinely curious: who's the "we" in this question?
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  • Interesting, thanks for your response. You say "take any lane you want but fix this and i will follow". How…
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  • There was a moment several months ago when looked like she might be on the verge of hitting this sweet…
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  • FWIW, I think the argument that Roberts *does* have that power is more persuasive, both in terms of the text…
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  • Go on....
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  • So, does this mean that *other* organizations could buy cellphone-level data about Trump rally attendees from geo-fencing marketers and launch…
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  • All true. It's also true that we've been here before---most recently in the 2016 Republican Iowa caucuses. If we're talking…
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  • We (I think) see the same political landscape, but I wouldn't say it's a Flight 93 election. I'd just say…
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  • Yeah, well, maybe it's just noise. It's also entirely possible it's not or (even worse) that *both* polls are understating…
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  • Having watched McConnell over the past decade, I'd go with "weak, but not stupid". McConnell's proven time and again that…
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  • Sounds about right.
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  • Yep. All the more reason to be thinking and talking and organizing around the changes the new American majority would…
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  • Maybe! But historians don't mark 1840-60 as the decades in which democracy was destroyed by pro-slavery interests, and they don't…
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  • I'm not the first or only way to make this point, but I keep making it because I think it's…
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  • Thanks for this. Adding a slightly longer historical perspective, the whole region is still dealing with what David Fromkin 30…
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