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    "...there’s evidence that the progressive left has been significantly, perhaps irreversibly repulsed by the centrist establishment..." There's also evidence that…
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  • Good and timely piece, thanks. Do I remember correctly that the filibuster can be eliminated by a simple majority vote…
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  • Okay, that's understandable...especially given the latest economic analysis from Goldman Sachs and the coming weekly unemployment figures. That said, it's…
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  • And wearing sunglasses. In fact, this should be a major image his campaign uses: FDR had his broad-brimmed hat and…
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  • That might be closer to the mark (imho). That said, anyone who's spent years running for president---and particularly someone who…
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  • Thanks for the response. FWIW, I'm not a big fan (or even much of a little fan) of Sanders, but…
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  • What, in your view, does he care about?
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  • Thanks for your comment. Just curious: why do you think Republicans are "populists" and Democrats are "elites"?
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  • Agreed, polls in March mean very little. That said, 9 of the last 10 polls RCP is tracking have Biden…
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  • The "Reconquista". The man knows his history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista Nothing like wanting to repeat 800 years of forced conversions, racism, mass…
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  • To be clear, now that the Trump administration has blown any chance of containing the spread of the virus (by…
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  • "In seeking safety, the voters have chosen the next Walter Mondale." Maybe! But here's the thing: no Democrat---not Gary Hart,…
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  • Adding: really interesting reporting on the current mood in the Sanders campaign from Ruby Cramer of Buzzfeed: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rubycramer/bernie-sanders-democratic-primary-joe-biden-campaign I'm always…
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  • Cosign. The one possible benefit I can think of---and it's an unlikely scenario---is if Sanders uses the debate to, in…
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  • Yeah, as I indicated ("...in later years"), the Ted Kennedy who'd gotten the family fever dream of him being president…
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  • Per Jackson, 1) Sanders asked and Biden didn't; 2) Sanders endorsed him in 1988, he's returning the favor; 3) Sanders…
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  • Don't know if she wants to, or has any ability to play that role, if called upon. If so, however,…
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  • Or, to put it another way: Democratic voters have already endured a year-long campaign and they're ready for it to…
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  • Thanks for your comment. Just to build on Martin's volatile electorate insight: 1) I agree with you: it's Trump's election…
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  • The Senate is increasingly of interest to me, partly because so much coverage has focused on the presidential race. Based…
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