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    The question (okay, not *the* question but another question) is: will Hollingsworth, Johnson, & company pay a significant political price…
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  • This is good news, indeed; and may it continue. There is an irreducible core of Sanders supporters who won't vote…
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  • "If you put in the work, you get results." Yes, this. (Not always of course; sometimes you put in the…
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  • I'll be shocked if Michelle Obama runs for vice-president...and I'm of an age and temperament where almost nothing in politics…
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  • Great comment and great question, thanks. Answering (obviously) for myself and not for our gracious host, one example of people…
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  • Thanks for your response. It may well be as simple as that (but even if so, the details would make…
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  • Yes. And this allows me to once again say that the single biggest national political mystery of the past decade…
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  • As frustrating as this reality is, it's nothing new. Hoover, after 3+ years of the Great Depression, got 40% of…
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  • Per RealClearPolitics, MI polls in March have Trump trailing Biden by 3-7%; the only March poll in PA has Biden…
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  • Remember, Hoover got 40% of the vote in 1932.
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  • Don't watch. (Or, during the commercial break, email the CEO of the companies who are advertising and tell them you'll…
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  • Thanks for your comment. A couple of responses: With a disease that's communicable for several days after infection and before…
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  • Sure, but they're not the same as interacting in person. Particularly for an old-school pol like Biden, who's spent 50…
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  • Good piece, thanks. I can imagine some Republicans thinking along these lines: 1) "Ya gotta dance with the one that…
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  • I think you are, too (fwiw). The mutual incomprehensibility between the younger generation(s) and the "olds" today reminds me of…
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  • I'm no expert, but political scientists who look at these things (e.g., Johnathan Bernstein) seem to agree that campaign promises…
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  • Thanks. That's the one I was thinking of. We agree, I think, on the value of not getting too optimistic.…
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  • Sources? I'm only aware of one poll from a notoriously unreliable pollster asking not a general job approval question, but…
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  • Thanks for your comment. The conclusion that "Trump's numbers have...gone up" seems to be based solely on one poll from…
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  • The great thing about ice cream as a photo op is it's so versatile: apple pie with vanilla, rocky road…
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