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    Thanks for your comments. If Biden's going to be successful, he's going to need the support of "Hillaryland" and of…
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  • Thanks for your response. First, let's stipulate there are dozens, maybe hundreds or even thousands, of people who are qualified…
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  • Thanks for your comment. With all due respect, if you don't see any significant difference between Jared and Ivanka on…
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  • Thanks for your comment. It happens in other democracies. See, for example, Brazil, Hungary, Nigeria, the Philippines, and any number…
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  • Well explained, including the hard choices Murphy faces. This is a model for what the nation needs from congressional Democrats,…
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  • Or banker's kids who went to Stanford and Yale pretending to be working class heroes like Josh Hawley? Or Harvard…
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  • No, I think there's plenty of talent, and the generational change that's happening gives me a lot of hope for…
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  • Cosign. Adding: I've got a strong bias against appointing senators: 1) most of them *don't* have experience running large organizations…
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  • Thanks, terrific analysis as usual. Does this suggest to you that an aggressive "populist"/anti-monopoly agenda (e.g., rural broadband, green energy,…
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  • Some of those races aren't even close and probably never were. McConnell won by 20 points, and---given US/Kentucky politics over…
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  • Thanks for your thoughtful response. This analogy is probably already stretched too far, but it's not too hard to find…
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  • I made the analogy above to the battle of Gettysburg: a great victory for the Union at a time of…
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  • Except Democrats now control the the executive branch of all three state governments, and are overseeing the counting of the…
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  • From the bits and pieces I've been able to pick up online, it looks like Biden generally did slightly to…
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  • Here's the link: https://thebulwark.com/victory-is-near/
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  • What dirgekeeper said. In fact, don't let any individual poll throw you. Even the conservative-leaning RCP aggregate poll #s have…
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  • Also, senior citizens. If they're really voting +10 for Biden, that's huge. (This century they've typically been +5 to +10…
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  • Good comment, thanks. It's worth noting that Biden, like Obama, has throughout his career positioned himself towards the center of…
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  • Unlike Schwarzenegger and Ventura, King had a lot of political experience. He was a lifelong Democrat who ran for governor…
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  • Nope, not "court packing". That's Republican messaging language, aimed at retaining Republican control of the courts for the next generation.…
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